Hi, I'm Jeremy.
I'm a software engineer currently based in Cupertino, CA.
I really really really like the feeling of people enjoying things I build.
I'm most familiar with:
  • JavaScript (ES6+)
  • TypeScript
  • React
  • Apollo GraphQL
  • HTML5 + CSS3/Less/Sass
I've also worked with:
  • Python
  • Django
  • Flask
  • node.js
  • SQL
I'm always looking to learn more!
I've been lucky to work on cool projects at cool companies.
September 2020 - present

I'm currently a software engineer at Robinhood on the CX Pathfinder team, working on products and tools to improve the experiences of both users and CX agents.

May 2019 - August 2020

I was a software engineer at Rubrik, working on the data classification product Sonar.

Most of my work there has been on Polaris UI, working on a React/Typescript/Apollo GraphQL stack, but I've also had the opportunity to dive deeper in the stack as well as triage customer issues.

November 2017 - April 2019

I worked at LeetCode as a full-stack software engineer from November 2017 to April 2019. LeetCode is a web application with millions of users designed to help software engineers prepare for technical interviews and land their dream jobs. As one redditor put it, "LeetCode is like gym for your brain."

While I was at LeetCode, I drove the revamp of LeetCode Discuss from ideation to implementation and operation.

I graduated from UC San Diego with a B.S. in Computer Science in December 2017.
Before that, I studied Computer Science at UC Irvine for two years.
Some classes I took:
  • Data Structures
  • Algorithms
  • Software Engineering
  • Human-Computer Interaction
  • Discrete Math
  • Probability and Statistics
  • Boolean Algebra
  • Linear Algebra
  • Ubiquitous Computing
I've very much enjoyed tinkering with projects and learning more in my own time.
I love games of all kinds, and the pursuit of a better gaming experience for myself and others motivated many of these projects.

I started DofusLab, an equipment build previewer for the French MMORPG Dofus in late 2019 with one other developer and a designer. We built DofusLab with next.js, React, TypeScript, and Apollo GraphQL on the frontend and Python, Graphene, and Flask on the backend.

Since its launch in April 2020, DofusLab has averaged hundreds of users a day and over 100,000 pageviews a month.

Harrowhold Signups

I created Harrowhold Signups to facilitate and organize signups for a 20-man raid in in the MMORPG TERA Online. Compared to the Google Forms we used before, it reduced signup times for returning users by an estimated 70% by saving mostly unchanging user information, and saved many hours for the raid organizers as well by automating the signup form creation and notifications.

Harrowhold Signups is a node.js web application developed in late 2018. It uses Discord OAuth for authentication, saves user information to a MongoDB database, and pushes signups to Airtable using the Airtable API.

Resistance: Avalon

I made an online version of the popular social deduction game The Resistance: Avalon. One day, while playing the game with friends, I realized that a web app could solve the cumbersome and error-prone setup, so I decided to make a "role-assignment app" for people physically in the same room. Eventually, I realized that the game would work as a standalone web application and game.

I wrote the original version of this application using jQuery with node.js and socket.io in 2016, then rewrote it in React and Apollo GraphQL in 2018.


Leveraged ETFs are funds that are engineered to amplify the daily returns of indexes such as the S&P 500 or NASDAQ. Conventional wisdom says that these, due to their increased volatility, are ill-advised long-term holdings. I created this application for Inside-Out Wealth Strategies to test the hypothesis that they could be prudent long-term investments.

The application uses a node.js backend that retrieves historical data from the Yahoo! Finance API, calculates hypothetical leveraged ETFs based on parameters provided by the user, then displays them in a Highstock chart.

MT DirectoryMT Directory

I created an online directory of players in the MMORPG TERA Online on the server Mount Tyrannas to expedite guild recruitment. The web application was developed in tandem with a Discord bot that notifies the guild of the application. An in-game client saves the applicant's information in a database so that it is available anytime, even when the applicant is offline.

The web application received hundreds of unique monthly users in its peak, and reduced the average response time to a guild application by more than 50%.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or want to work together. (I'm especially keen to meet some designer friends!)
This site was made with Gatsby. You can see the code here.